Subscription Agreement Indemnity

where the Products are the subject of an infringement action or are likely to be the subject of an infringement action under Ping Identity, Ping Identity may, at its option and at its own expense, give the Customer the right to continue using the Products; (ii) replace or modify the Products in such a way that they are not prejudicial to the law; or iii) terminate the subscription to the products contrary to law and refund to the customer the unused fees paid in advance for the infringing products for the remainder of the subscription term after the date of termination. The purchase subcontract is intended to track the number of shares sold and the price at which the shares were sold for a private company. The subcontract contains all the information relating to the transaction, such as the number of shares and the price, as well as the confidentiality clauses. Some agreements have a certain return paid to the investor, for example.B. a certain percentage of the company`s net profit. . . .