Review Of The 4 Agreements

I interpreted “is” as living in the present and “was” the representation of past behaviors. Tension change probably intentionally. The best way to develop knowledge is to bypass other evaluations and read the material and develop your own knowledge. Because I also look at topics in relation to me My opinion is that we all get something different from any book, based on completely different emotional reactions, based on the observations of a group that reads all four chords at the same time. There were about 50 of them, and I recommended it to a brother and sister who had a childhood trauma. He read the first chapters in tears, but he understood the healing power in himself. The first one only me off, but I understood that he was drawing why we shouldn`t believe that way. Be immaculate with your word. Don`t take anything personal. Don`t make any assumptions.

Always do your best. The light and the truth. If we have established relationship agreements (regardless of the relationship) that the exchanges are for information purposes in the name of intimacy, not a complaint or a request to repair anything to protect me from the emotional reactions I create myself… That`s impressive. This is a vulnerable intimacy and can go anywhere (no attachment to the result). Where it`s going to go is more truth, especially if the person who hears this sharing can go into his emotional body and find out what`s going on in response to sharing and then share YOUR emotional truth right now. Positive: The first thing I really liked about this book was how well written it was. This obviously made it easier to read and understand. I could have easily finished this book in a day or two (I read it in a week just because I wanted to take notes). What makes the book so amazing now is the wisdom it contains. The objective of the 4 agreements is to replace your old toxic logics with the 4 chords.

Here are the 4 chords: I realize that it was written a few years ago… and I still have to depart from some of the author`s misunderstandings about wisdom in “The Four Accords.” Note that the beginning of the book on domestication and dreams is an important preface to understanding the power of new chords. I read this and I fully understand the points he was trying to make. It is a little more sustained when you read the voice of knowledge. We learn everything as we grow up, part of what we learn is not positive. Many of us had parents who were young or who had themselves been abused, and we learn their “faith habits” habits and patterns as we learn to count, talk, read, etc. Before the age of three, we do not know anger. We repeat the actions of our facilitators and our authority persons as children to obtain love, comfort and emotional support from them. We repeat their model because it makes them love and makes us grateful for their behavior.

On the other hand, what we did could have been interpreted as “false” and we could be punished. Perhaps this punishment was severe or unfair and gave us an emotional memory of pain and fear. The repetition of similar anxieties makes this reaction a “behavioural pattern. As a child who wants love, you will make more effort not to upset this janitor and probably repeat the action that the enemy punishment has provoked to “fix” it. The result will be similar. These beliefs could begin as a fear when presented with emotional memories and repeated traumas, that fear eventually becomes anger, hostility, hatred, resentment, and that we learn to reactivate the proposition. Where did the love go? You can no longer learn these patterns. You can see what caused the emotion, change the way you perceive it and get another emotional reaction result for future episodes.

At some point, you perceive it and you repel the result. Perhaps you can even go back and forgive your parents, even if they were offensive, because they knew nothing else, because they had learned something as behaviors.