United States Paris Agreement Target

In April 2017, a group of 20 MPs from the Right-wing Alternative for Germany, the UK Independence Party and other parties sent a letter to Trump asking him to withdraw from the Paris agreement. [27] On May 25, 2017, 22 Republican senators, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, sent a two-page letter to Trump asking him to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. [29] This letter was written by Senator John Barrasso, Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and Senator Jim Inhofe, known for his many years of climate change denial. [30] Most of the signatories to the letter were elected by states that depended on the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas); [29] The group of 22 senators had received more than $10 million in election contributions from fossil fuel companies over the past three election cycles. [30] Earlier this week, a group of 40 Democratic senators sent a letter to Trump asking him to keep America in the Paris agreement, writing that “a withdrawal from America would damage credibility and influence on the world stage.” [29] Holmes focused on issues such as renewable energy, transportation and energy efficiency and said the government was convinced that the Paris targets were “very achievable” for Montana. Former President Bill Clinton wrote: “The abandonment of the Treaty of Paris is a mistake. Climate change is real. We don`t owe our kids anymore. Protecting our future also creates more jobs. [59] Former President Barack Obama said of Trump`s decision: “Even if this government joins a small handful of nations that refuse the future, I am convinced that our states, our cities and our businesses will step up and do more to lead the way and help protect for future generations a planet that we have.” [70] Former Vice President Joe Biden said he believed the measure was endangering U.S. security. [71] Among other things, countries need to report their greenhouse gas inventories and progress towards their targets, so that external experts can assess their success.

Countries should also review their commitments by 2020 and present new targets every five years to further reduce emissions. They must participate in a “comprehensive state of affairs” to measure collective efforts in order to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. In the meantime, developed countries must also assess the financial assistance they will provide to developing countries to help them reduce their emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change. Indeed, research shows that the cost of climate activity far outweighs the cost of reducing carbon pollution. A recent study suggests that if the United States does not meet its climate targets in Paris, it could cost the economy up to $6 trillion in the coming decades. A lack of compliance with the NPNs currently foreseen in the agreement could reduce global GDP by more than 25% by the end of the century. Meanwhile, another study estimates that achieving – or even exceeding – the Paris targets by investing in infrastructure in clean energy and energy efficiency could have great benefits globally – about $19 trillion. The aim of the agreement is to reduce the article 2 global warming and to improve the implementation of the UNFCCC through[11] adaptation issues that were further highlighted in the development of the Paris Agreement.