Smoking Addendum To Rental Agreement

Where there may be a problem, there is usually a solution, and that is the case. Use this tobacco-free real estate addendum to apply your leases to protect your valuable investment from the physical dangers of smoke. This Premium form is fully editable, so you can set where smoking is allowed, or it is not allowed anywhere in or via the rental unit. Add the tobacco-free real estate addendum to your rental agreement to inform your tenants that smoking on or around the site is not allowed. Responsibility: Declare that the tenant will defend the landlord if injuries occur because the tenants have violated the addition and smokes or uses substances by the prohibited agreement. Here is a list of some reasons why a landlord should ask a tenant to sign an addendum banning tobacco and cannabis: DID YOU KNOW? Will many well-qualified tenants give up renting an apartment if there are signs of smoking? In general, these are good tenants that you might miss because you don`t have a strict policy for non-smokers. Even if tenants have a medical marijuana card, tenants cannot smoke on the rental property if a landlord largely prohibits drugs covered by the federal Controlled Substances Act. In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Oakland Cannabis Buyers cooperative that federal law does not create a medical exception for “seriously ill” patients. Landlords may also require their tenants to sign an endorsement if they suspect that tobacco or cannabis products have recently been used on the premises, and the rental is currently silent on the smoking authorization. Original tenancy or rental agreement: refer to the existing contract that has been established between the landlord and the tenant.

The date and name of the lease must be clearly stated. This form is often used when the original landlord does not respond to the smoking problem or when the owner is concerned about the owner`s recent use of the premises. Caution: Declare that the tenant loses bail if evidence of smoking tobacco or cannabis or other illicit substances is found in any form in rented or rented premises. “smoking,” inhalation, inhalation, inhalation, incineration or wearing a lit or heated cigar, cigarette or pipe, or other tobacco products or plants lit or heated for inhalation, including hookahs and marijuana, natural or synthetic, in any way or form;