Company Vehicle Policy Agreement

If an ABC Productions employee is involved in a car accident with the company`s car, he should immediately contact our human resources department. Under no circumstances should a staff member assume responsibility or guarantee payment in the event of an accident, unless ABC Productions authorizes it. If you have not been assigned a company vehicle and you think you need it, contact HR. Employees who have the right to get a company car are in three categories: With Connecteam, it is easier than ever to improve training and onboarding. All training materials are available directly in the mobile app, so everything is immediately available whenever an employee needs it. You can create a source of knowledge about the library function so that key material is available with a click, for example. B the personnel manual, corporate policies, advice, policies and more. This directive applies to all our employees who have the right to obtain a company car and those who drive one as part of their daily work. Companies are responsible for tickets when they are issued against the vehicle. If they are issued to an employee, the employee is responsible for the payment.

An ABC Productions employee can obtain a company car if he meets the following criteria: drivers are responsible for bringing their company cars for each maintenance of our business plans. Employees must fill out a form and file a copy of their driver`s license in order to qualify for a company car. We reserve the right to revoke or assign company vehicles at our discretion. This corporate car policy model is ready to adapt to your business needs. Use this as a starting point for developing your employment policy. Disabled staff may also be entitled to service cars and car parks. We are also prepared to make appropriate arrangements to facilitate the use of the company`s vehicle. Employees taking medication that severely alters their sense of orientation, vision or reflex may not be allowed to drive a company car.

If employees suspend or have revoked their driver`s licenses, they must notify our department. We will reallocate their company car until they are usable in accordance with our directive (a clean driving record for at least [X years]). The personal use of a company vehicle for employees is a responsibility for businesses, but it is also an advantage that helps attract and retain employees. Companies should indicate in their vehicle policy whether personal use is permitted and that the company`s safety rules continue to apply during personal use.