Child Care Telephone Billing Agreement Form

Please read all the instructions carefully. To make it more useful to us, make sure the forms are complete and readable. Add all necessary documents (z.B. cheques, school plan) and keep a copy of all forms for your documents. For the child care provider`s requests for assistance mentioned below, please ensure that you also complete the “Supplier Information” form and return to CCRS with all necessary documentation. For more information on the telephone billing system, please visit the IDHS website. The Illinois Department of Human Services has a free number allowing child care providers to verify that their child care certificate has been introduced for payment and approved by the IDHS. 1) Online: Click on the corresponding link below. Follow the instructions to select your form, then tap “Send.” Careful! Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Parents and providers. There are now (2) two ways to request forms electronically! Please keep in mind that payment financing is available on the 15th of each month, so it may take 20 business days or more before your payment is received after filing a full and accurate child care certificate. Most forms for the child care program are no longer available online.

Parents and providers can call or request online to generate a form through the system. If you have any questions, call the office. If you would like your form to be emailed to you, please fill out a form for email agreements. Please note that state-authorized databases are used to clarify information that is transmitted to our offices. These databases include, among others, TANF, Child Support Enforcement, Wage Review, Birth Registry, Social Security Administration, Employment Security, Department of Labor and Chicago Public Schools. The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) provides low-income and working families with access to quality and affordable child care that allows them to continue working and contribute to the child`s healthy, emotional and social development. Families must participate on a slippery scale based on family size and income. Under the IDHS`s new Child Care Management System (CCMS), access to child care program forms (CCAP) has changed.